CBSE Results announced for XII for 2010.

 Previous Years CBSE Question Papers (2009)
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1.                   Start studying well before the exam. Make sure your schedule provides for sufficient revision time. As any good test-taker will tell you, the revisions are more important than the first time study.
2.                   Focus on understanding the concepts rather than mugging. Use mnemonics if rote learning is the only way out.
3.                   Think about the time after the exam. Visualize the happiness on your face that the stress period is now over. This works very well.
4.                   Keep telling yourself that your hard-work will not go to waste.
5.                   If you are afraid of tough questions, it helps to know that most questions are of average difficulty and designed to be answered correctly by most examinees.
6.                   Designate a “study buddy”, a classmate who is an expert in a subject you have trouble in, that you can come to with questions.
7.                   Get plenty of sleep. It’s way more stressful to memorize lots of information or comprehend complicated concepts on less than 6 hours sleep.
8.                   Eat healthy food, since it’s often easier to function on nutritious food than junk. While sugar might be a quick source of energy, sugar lows happen pretty fast and the let-down can often be severe.
9.                   While taking notes, use as many diagrams, graphs and figures and illustrations as possible. This helps to make several revisions at the last moment!
10.               Ask a senior or more knowledgeable person to prepare sample tests for you. If such practise tests are available in the market, go for them. Many questions are similar to or verbatim from practise material.
11.               On the day of the exam, feel happy! Think positive and keep cool! Good luck!
Source :
1.                   Buy an extra notebookfor each subject at the beginning of the year so that as you finish a chapter in class, you immediately write notes and summaries in that book. The classwork will still be fresh in your mind so at exam time you merely have to take the notebook home from school. Write down the key points you learned from each lesson onto a cue card. This helps your mind to retain the day’s important facts. On the weekends look over the cue cards. Get your parents or friends to quiz you on them.
2.                   Learn how to make mind maps, cluster maps and other memory aids. Mind maps are graphical illustrations of a subject and a great memory tool to use, especially during exams.
3.                   As soon as you finish a topic take out a book from the library and read more information about the subject. Take notes to refer back to them before and at test time.
4.                   Don’t do rough drafts for essays. Just do the good copy straight away, but thoroughly as well. In an exam situation you won’t have time to write out a whole draft copy, so practice writing out good copies straight away.
5.                   Make a timetablefor exam days by marking the dates on a calendar, so you can be prepared by the time the test comes around.
6.                   Make a list of your classes and the topics covered in class. As you study a topic, mark it in a way that is meaningful to you, to remind you which topics have already been studied.
7.                   Set aside a study time each day when you are not too tired, or too hungry. If you are going to study for a long time, remember to take a break in between.
8.                   Set up a study group. Study groups share notes, thoughts and ideas or how to solve or understand a particular problem. Be sure to honor the class rules on what work may or may not be done in groups.
9.                   Plan out ‘trial’ exams for yourself. All you have to do is redo one of your past tests or quizzes within a time limit. Get into the exam mode by clearing your work desk of everything except your paper and pen.
10.               Get enough sleepat night. It’s harder to concentrate when you got less than six hours of sleep the night before.
11.               When choosing individual subjects to study, start with the least enjoyable or the most difficult subject. Master it, and you’ll end up loving it. At the very least, you won’t have to worry about putting it off until it’s too late because you don’t like it

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